What is Death on the High Seas Act?
The Death on the High Seas Act was enacted by the United States government in the year 1920 to provide financial recompensing to the families of those shipmen who died while being in the active line of duty.
The Death on the High Seas Act was enacted by the United States government in the year 1920 to provide financial recompensing to the families of those shipmen who died while being in the active line of duty.
Protection and Indemnity or better known as P & I Clubs are a compilation of non-profit making organizations controlled by ship-owners and operators who communally contribute to certain third party liability risks related to their business especially their maritime businesses.
The place of refuge is a place where a vessel in distress can be safely taken to after it has met with an accident, in order to prevent further damage or deterioration of the ship. Find out more about the places of refuge and what are the laws governing the same.
The Maritime labour convention (MLC) was established with a view to ensure that the rights and needs of the seamen are safeguarded so that they are enabled to get what is rightfully due to them without being exploited. Find out the importance of maritime labour convention inside the article.
Gravitating of bunker fuel is a malpractice followed by several unscrupulous bunker suppliers. Learn how gravitating is achieved illegally and what can be done to prevent it.
When collision of ships occur in Indian waters, there are certain procedures and guidelines that are to be followed by the master and parties involved. Find out more about the guidelines inside the article.
SEEMP is a special tool of IMO to measure and control GHG emissions from the already existing shipping fleet. Know more about the plan in detail inside the article.
The HNS Convention is an acronym for the IMO’s International Convention on Liability and Compensation for Damage in Connection with the Carriage of Hazardous and Noxious Substances by Sea.
Maritime Labour Convention (MLC), 2006 will finally come into action on August 30th 2013. The convention would implement a standardized framework for living and working condition of seafarers around the world.
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