Crafty Kate Middleton Keeps Prince William in Check Like a ‘Fourth Child,’ Says Royal Insider
Kate Middleton may have three children, but insiders claim she’s also playing mom to one more—her husband, Prince William. In his bombshell new book, Yes Ma’am: The Secret Life of Royal Servants, author Tom Quinn reveals how the Princess of Wales takes on the role of peacemaker when William’s royal temper flares.
Kate Middleton’s parenting reportedly extends to Prince William
According to excerpts published by The Times, Tom Quinn paints a revealing portrait of life behind palace doors. He claims sometimes Prince William acts less like a future king and more like a cranky toddler.
“Both King Charles and Prince William are prone to tantrums if things don’t go their way,” Quinn writes, citing a former royal staffer. “They both get irritated very quickly. They are very picky. It comes naturally to them.”
“I don’t know where William would be without Kate [Middleton],” Quinn continues. “She hasn’t had everything done for her throughout her life, so she calms him down when he gets a bit fractious. She’s even joked that sometimes he has to be treated as her fourth child!”
Quinn also sheds light on the rigid and often trivial traditions within the royal family. “Many of the rules seem pointless and only exist to maintain status among senior royals,” he writes. “And they are such a sensitive bunch. If one gets a gold pen or a new car, they all want one.”
Kate reportedly loves to tease stuffy William

Prince William and Kate Middleton’s love story dates back to 2002. After more than two decades together, she knows exactly how to push her husband’s buttons, just enough to keep him on his toes.
According to author Tom Quinn, Kate enjoys poking fun at William’s royal lineage, often comparing him to his great-great-great-grandfather, Edward VII. And in a particularly cheeky jab, she teases him about the fact that his stepmother, Queen Camilla, is descended from Edward VII’s favorite mistress.
While few others would dare to make such a joke at William’s expense, Kate has earned that privilege. William, for his part, reportedly takes it in stride, knowing his wife’s quips come from a place of love.
But that doesn’t mean he won’t dish it back. Quinn recalled one instance when Kate bought a bold new outfit, only for William to playfully tell her she looked like she had “run through a charity shop covered in superglue.”
William and Kate prioritize their children
Despite their playful banter, Prince William and Kate Middleton are fully aligned when it comes to their most important role: raising their three children, Prince George, Princess Charlotte, and Prince Louis. The couple works hard to blend royal duty with a modern, hands-on parenting approach.
Unlike previous generations of royals, they insist on personal involvement in their children’s daily lives. They are fully immersed in every aspect, from school drop-offs to bedtime routines.
Royal expert Jennie Bond told OK! (via Express) that William and Kate’s parenting style is “far more relatable and normal” compared to past royal family members. While Kate follows the example set by her close-knit family, William has been deliberate in not repeating his father’s more distant approach.
Prioritizing their children‘s well-being above all else, William and Kate continue to redefine the modern royal family. Their deep love and respect for each other are undeniable, and even on difficult days, they make a conscious effort to support one another—no matter the challenge.