Kevin Hart Felt He Messed up His First Marriage Because of His Age
Kevin Hart almost put his current marriage in jeopardy after he was caught being unfaithful. Before he was Eniko Hart’s husband, he was previously married to Torrei Hart. However, Hart took responsibility for the dissolution of his first marriage.
Kevin Hart admitted to making mistakes in his first marriage

Hart and his ex-girlfriend, Torrei have a deep history together. They met at the Community College of Philadelphia as young adults, and it wasn’t long before the two grew close. Torrei was with Hart before he became famous, taking a front-row seat to his rise to stardom. Although their relationship didn’t last, Torrei confided that she still cared about the comedian.
“We met when we were 19 and 20 and came up together, moved out to LA together. I knew him when he was selling sneakers before he ever hit the stage. I’m so proud of him; I really am. I have nothing bad to say about him. We went through what we went through. Couples go through stuff all the time. We were young. But as far as everything else, he stepped up to the plate to make sure I am OK,” she once said in an interview with Us Weekly.
The True Story star and Torrei would go their separate ways in 2010. Years after their divorce, Hart reflected on his marriage with his first wife in an interview on Chelsea Handler’s Netflix show Chelsea. He blamed his inexperience at the time for ruining his relationship with Torrei.
“I was young on my first marriage, Chelsea,” Hart said. “I’m not ashamed to say it, guys. I got married at the age of 22. I was still all over the place. I didn’t really understand the definition of marriage. I wasn’t ready for it, so I take responsibility. I can say I messed my first marriage up. I’m man enough to say that.”
But Hart also joked that he was in his peak years back then to give himself an excuse.
“At the same time, that was when I was in the prime of my sexy, so don’t blame me,” he quipped. “That’s when I was figuring it out.”
Torrei Hart addressed Kevin Hart’s infidelity
At one point, Torrei felt Hart’s alleged affair was one of the mistakes he made in their marriage. She strongly suspected that she and Hart were still together while the Jumanji actor was dating Eniko. Hart joking about his affairs in his standups only heightened her suspicions.
According to Inside Edition, Eniko once let slip how long she dated Hart, which was around the same period Hart and Torrei were still a couple. Eniko once claimed that Torrei and Hart weren’t even living together back then, and Hart wasn’t keeping his relationship with Eniko a secret.
“I was like, ‘What? Never a secret?’ She said that we were separated and not living together, that’s a lie. We were very much not separated,” Torrie said.
Torrei was also asked about whether Hart could cheat again. Her answer was prophetic given the controversy Hart had with his wife Eniko after he was videotaped being with another woman.
“I can’t say yes; I can’t say no. I can just say that if it happened to me, it can happen to anyone,” she said.
However, there seem to be no hard feelings between the couple. Hart, Eniko, and Torrei have even been seen taking pictures at events with all of their kids. As far as Hart was concerned, Torrei was still one of his closest friends.
“I will say that me and my ex-wife, regardless of the problems we went through, are in an amazing place now where we’re friends, we’re great parents, we’re co-parents,” Hart said.