Jaden Smith Once Explained What Made Him so ‘Weird’
Jaden Smith has said and done some pretty bizarre things during his years in the spotlight. He’s been self-aware enough to know that his comments, behavior, and wardrobe have caused others to label him as weird. But it wasn’t a reputation Smith ran away from. Not too long ago, he was actively trying to become even weirder.

Jaden Smith felt it was frustrating watching artists try to be ‘normal’
Smith once revealed he hadn’t grown out of what some considered his odd phase. Both he and his sister, Willow Smith, were known for their colorful interviews that would sometimes transition into heavy philosophical discussions. Speaking with GQ in 2015, Smith admitted he was intentionally doing these strange interviews as a sort of case study.
“Everything for us is a scientific test upon humanity,” he said. “And, luckily, we’re put in a position where we can affect large groups of human beings at one time.”
Now in his 20s, it appears Smith hasn’t stopped giving unusual responses when doing interviews. But he’s become more open about his peculiar lifestyle. In a 2024 interview with Complex, Smith revealed why he was trying to become more weird than he ever was before.
“Because I went through a lot of my life trying to be normal. It was a really big deal for me for a long time that people thought that I was normal. And that bothered me after a while. I started to feel like people didn’t really understand me or see me, and I wasn’t really trying to show anybody that. Sometimes it’s so frustrating to watch people try to follow the ‘normal’ thing to do when that’s not what they really want to do in their art and everything. It’s very frustrating. And then you see people fall into it and generations of people fall into it. So I actively try to be myself.”
Additionally, Smith hoped that his frame of mind would offer others a new angle to observe the world.
“I think it’s just about trying to bring in a different perspective to the world so people have a bunch of different perspectives to look at,” he said.
Jaden Smith hopes that psychologists will study him through his art in the future
Like many artists, Smith has turned to music to express himself. He’s released several records, including his latest, 2024: A Case Study Of The Long Term Effects Of Young Love. He admitted that the record offered listeners a close look into his headspace.
“2024: A Case Study of the Long Term Effects of Young Love is really a snapshot of my mental state currently when it comes to trying to be a human and relate with people in the digital age that we live in. The mental landscapes of people are changing and the psychology of people is changing. And this is a mental snapshot of me right now where I am in my life,” Smith said.
The album wasn’t just for his fans, however. Smith hoped that Case Study and his other work would be analyzed by medical experts in the future.
“I’m hoping that I can leave enough information behind for psychologists of the future to look back and be like, ‘Man, what was really wrong with this guy? There’s some serious stuff that’s wrong with him. What is it?’ And this is me trying to give that first initial psychological assessment in the project so that they can be like, ‘Oh, he was like this. He felt like this. He felt like that. What does that mean?’ So that somebody could really do that assessment. It’s been a process of working with my therapist while making this project and I’m just trying to give that snapshot,” he said.
Just because he’s a celebrity, doesn’t mean Smith hasn’t dealt with great sadness in his life. He was once brought to tears after a painful movie experience, for instance. Additionally, Smith’s own celebrity could sometimes get in the way of his happiness. The actor hoped he’d be able to connect with like-minded listeners through their grief to heal.