‘The Pioneer Woman’: Ree Drummond Gives Fans a Glimpse at Empty Nest Life With Ladd
Ree Drummond kicked off empty nest life with some gorgeous sunset walks and she’s taking her fans along. Drummond and her husband Ladd’s last kid moved out and the couple is figuring out how to navigate the next chapter of their lives. So far, daily walks are heavily in the mix.

Ree Drummond shared a look at her empty nest journey
On Jan. 19, Drummond took to Instagram to post a beautiful sunset picture that gave a glimpse at what her empty nest life is like. The Pioneer Woman star stood smiling with the sun setting behind her, writing simply in the caption, “Empty nest, day four. We’re walking…we’re walking…”
One of Drummond’s editors wrote about the empty nest life in a blog post on The Pioneer Woman website.
“A lot has changed in Ree Drummond’s life recently. She drove her youngest son Todd off to college so now she’s officially an empty nester!,” they wrote. “She’s not one to sit around and cry about it though (okay, maybe a few tears were shed), and she’s settling back into her routines.”
They added, “One thing she can absolutely still count on? A stroll with her husband Ladd on the ranch, taking in the gorgeous evening sunset.”
Ree and Ladd Drummond prepared for their empty nest chapter
On Nov. 29, 2022, Drummond gave a life update on Instagram and explained how she and her husband were getting ready for their last child to leave the nest
“Todd’s leaving for college in five weeks, and Ladd and I are actively trying to establish new activities together as the empty nest approaches,” she shared in the caption.
“So we take evening walks together now! Well, we’ve done it the past two evenings,” she continued. “But still… I couldn’t wait to share the news. As we walk, we pick up trash that has blown in from Kansas. So at least Ladd can tell himself he’s working and not just walking. Friends, wish us luck.”
Fans shared words of encouragement about the empty nest adjustment
Drummond’s fans had plenty of encouragement in the comments section. “The biggest adjustment was learning to cook for 2. The nest also refills with ‘sons’ and ‘daughters’ and grandchildren,” one of her followers shared.
Another fan wrote, “Plan some activities for Ladd and you to enjoy together — a movie or a special dinner. This is a time for you to reconnect as a team of two. It’s a little tough, maybe, but part of life’s journey.”
One of her followers shared, “My wife and I are older… when the nest has been empty for a little while, you’ll be reminded of why you and Ladd got together in the first place. This part of life is more fun, trust me.”
Other fans encouraged her to “enjoy the time” and “hang in there.”
Ree and Ladd are leaning into their next chapter but had a big family gathering for the holidays
Transitioning to the empty nest chapter of life is certainly an adjustment. No doubt, Ree and Ladd are finding things a lot quieter around the ranch now that their kids are gone. Walking is a great way to exercise, spend quality time together, and catch amazing sunsets in the process.
The whole Drummond crew just spent the holidays together on vacation and had some amazing fun, based on the Food Network star’s social media and blog posts. No doubt fans will see more of the Drummonds reuniting to spend quality time together as a family.